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FY23 SESAA: Student Record

Recorded Webinar

Duration: 1 hour

Intended Audience: District Leaders, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, School Leaders, Special Student Services Staff

FY23 Special Education School Administrators Academy (SESAA): School Based Administrators’ Impact on the Academic Success of Students with Disabilities

Learn what student records are and their components, how to identify resources, how to recognize special education events in student records, how to describe the order of special education events, how to identify the interaction of special education with other student records, how to identify the use of GO-IEP in the student record process, how to report special education events for transfer students, and how student records impact special education data.

DOE Office: Federal Programs

Topics: District Effectiveness, District Level Support, School Effectiveness, Special Student Services

Event Type: Recorded Webinar

Delivery Mode(s): Virtual

Primary Contact: James Vaughn -

To report an issue with the event link, please email the event contact.

Webinar URL:

Date Recorded: Apr 19, 2023