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GaDOE's State Reporting System - Preparing for Parallel Year (2024-25)

Recorded Webinar

Duration: 1 hour

Intended Audience: Data Collections Staff, District Leaders

This session provides a recap of the February 29, 2024 session and provides information on the Pilot year progress, what is changing and what stays the same, expectations and support. Topics covered include: what are the expectations and support, the benefits of SRS implementation, SRS user Interface/User Experience (UI/UX) and a short demo of what the new SRS looks like.

DOE Office: Technology Services

Topics: Data Collections

Event Type: Recorded Webinar

Primary Contact: Jesse Peavy -

Secondary Contact: Nicholas Handville -

To report an issue with the event link, please email the event contact.

Webinar URL:

Date Recorded: Apr 16, 2024