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GaDOE's State Reporting System: Preparing for Parallel Year, 2024-25

Recorded Webinar

Duration: 1 hour

Intended Audience: Data Collections Staff, District Leaders

This session provides information on the State Reporting System (SRS) pilot year progress, what will change for next year and what will stay the same from last year, GaDOE’s expectations going forward, GaDOE support to LEAs, the benefits of SRS implementation, SRS User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX), and a short demo of the new SRS application.

DOE Office: Technology Services

Topics: Data Collections, District Level Support

Event Type: Recorded Webinar

Primary Contact: Jesse Peavy -

Secondary Contact: Nicholas Handville -

To report an issue with the event link, please email the event contact.

Webinar URL:

Date Recorded: Apr 16, 2024