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Looking Beyond Behavior: A Whole Child Approach to Student Success

By Request

Duration: 45 minutes

Intended Audience: Community Stakeholders, District Leaders, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders

Can you imagine sitting in a classroom, trying to understand math when you can’t see the screen? What about if you had a toothache? Health barriers to learning and development, like uncorrected vision problems and dental pain, interfere with Georgia students’ ability to learn every day. This session will be focused on looking beyond presenting behaviors to consider underlying factors, including unmet basic health needs. The presenter discusses methods for supporting student physical and mental health issues through population-based interventions and community partnerships.

DOE Office: Whole Child Supports

Topics: Mental Health and Wellbeing, PE/Health, School Safety, Special Student Services, Whole Child Supports

Event Type: Event - By Request

Delivery Mode(s): Virtual

Primary Contact: Mary Lauren Salvatore -

Secondary Contact: Molly Sims -

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Date Recorded: Apr 21, 2023